Key Members

CEO Davis
- Start Back-end design from Sam-sung electronics
- experiencing ad- vanced process including AI through EDA vendor company such as Ca- dence and Synopsys, retaining the best know-how about CPU, PHY hardening and ASIC flow.

CMO/Vice President Andy
- 17 years of experience in semicon-ductor design house
- 17 years of experience in Foundry including SMIC, sales of various IC development orders
- Customer-friendly sales skills based on Foundry, design house and fab-less

PI director Lee
- Over 20 years of PI engineer career through Samsung and Cadence
- Retaining advanced process and various DFT, SCAN/BIST, STA, power analysis and low power design experience

PD/PV director Ko
- As an expert engineer of full custom layout design, having career at Samsung, Cadence and Synopsys more than 20 years, currently takes charge of key task on “S” company chip development
Excellent engineers and infrastructure
Your Future
Your Future
16 engineers out of 20 members
Securing 30 SoCR&D members
through strategic business